Bruno Tapolsky

Business Development


Bruno Tapolsky

Bruno grew up in France, where he earned his initial law degree, graduating first in his class. Following this achievement, he served as a lieutenant and platoon leader in the French Marines. After returning to civilian life, Bruno obtained a law degree from the University of Kent in England. He then moved to the United States to pursue an LLM at the University of Chicago Law School.

Upon graduation, Bruno practiced corporate law, specializing in mergers and acquisitions, with Skadden Arps in New York. Later, he relocated to San Francisco and joined the Technology Group at Brobeck Phleger & Harrison in Palo Alto. There, he advised numerous private and public tech companies, as well as venture capital firms, on a variety of legal and business matters.

A few years later, Bruno transitioned fully into business and management roles within several start-ups and emerging growth tech companies (including voice over IP and online multimedia), serving as Chairman, CEO, Board Member, Vice President of Corporate Development, and consultant. Over the past decade, he has also been involved in numerous successful real estate projects across California, Florida, Louisiana, and Tennessee. Currently, Bruno is the President at, an AI startup that is bringing cutting-edge AI technology to the real estate industry.

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